Mercury 1.1.2a
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  •   FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is Mercury?
    2. What is AX.25?
    3. What is KISS?

    1. What is Mercury?
    Mercury is a software system for commanding a controlling a satellite ground station. It's goal is to help enable ubiquitous access to satellite resources via the Internet. We are developing a secure, reliable system to enable Internet access to orbiting space systems. The major components of the Mercury system include a web server front end, a database for stable data storage, and suite of software components to interface to and control ground station hardware.

    More detailed information about Mercury is found in the Design Docs section.

    2. What is AX.25?
    AX.25 is an amateur radio packet protocol that is well described by the TAPR pages on AX.25.
    3. What is KISS?
    Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS). This can apply to many areas in life, but in the context of packet radio, it is a communication protocol between a computer host and a TNC (terminal node controller). Karn and Chepponis have an excellent description online. Logo
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