Amateur Radio
The Amateur Satellite
Organization has a good resource of satellite related software.
- TAPR -
The Tucson Amateur Packet Radio club is a great resource
for packet radio information.
- Bester - Provide an
excellent satellite tracking software suite. We use their
free version of Sattrack for visual displays.
J-Pass Generator will mail you predictions.
- J-Track
- Marshall Space Flight Center has developed a Java Applet tracking
- Heavens Above - Online
real-time satellite tracking data.
- Predict -
Linux based satellite locator by KD2BD.
Keplerian Elements
- OIG - Get the latest
keps at Goddard's Orbital Information Data site.
Element sets for orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio
- Celestrak -
An excellent repository of elment sets.
IP in space/Remote Operation
- IP In Space
- The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is working on
operating missions as nodes on the internet.
Interplanetary IP - Vint Cerf
has some interesting things to say on an Interplanetary
- The Web Interface for Telescience, a group at JPL working
on remote operation via the Internet.
- AX.25 HOWTO -
Documentation on installing AX.25 capabilities on Linux
A great repository of amateur radio software for Linux.